The Best in Retractable Dog Gate Technology

HIDEAGATE™ is the most durable and attractive home interior dog gate on the market and the only dog gate that you can easily hide in just 1, 2, 3...

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1. Sleek

HIDEAGATE™ has a simple and effective design to create a sleek look in your home that you can easily hide away.

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2. Easy

HIDEAGATE™ is the easiest retractable dog gate on the market. Simply slide the gate into its hiding place within the door frame or wall and create a clear walkway.

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3. Effective

HIDEAGATE™ allows for the simple and clear storage. It’s effective when it’s out and neatly tucked away the rest of the time!

Sturdy, Retractable, Attractive

Say goodbye to bulky, unreliable and unattractive dogs gates of the past. Introducing HIDEAGATE™, the sleek, stylish and dependable retractable dog gate of the future. Why hassle with awkward, removable gates when you can HIDEAGATE? HIDEAGATE stores inconspicuously inside the wall when not in use and easily folds out and latches into doorways. Its contemporary, cutting-edge design makes it an attractive addition to any home. HIDEAGATE can be used as a dog gate to keep every family member safe. It is ideal for homeowners with dogs or even for those who often entertain guests with pets. HIDEAGATE is the perfect addition to every home.

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